Important Health Notice Are You Feeling Unwell with Flu-Like Symptoms?
If you answer YES, please cancel your appointment or do not make an online booking until you fully recover and have no flu-like symptoms.
Wearing Face Masks
The wear of surgical masks are mandatory for all staff working at Dens in Dente Dental Care.
Face masks are currently not mandatory for patients, visitors, your family and carers. However, we strongly recommend that you wear a surgical mask as a safe distance of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained especially when more than 3 persons concurrently attend Dens in Dente practice.
If you don’t have a surgical mask readily available, we will supply you with one. Hand Hygiene, Asepsis and Infection Control Policy Everyone is encouraged to use hand rub as frequently as possible. All patients will be asked to perform pre-procedural mouth rinse for 1 minute with an anti-bacterial solution. All patients will be asked to perform a post-procedural mouth rinse for 1 minute and to wash their hands at the end of their appointment.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Dens in Dente Dental Care Updated 12 January 2025
What We Do
due to accident, bruxism or sports related injuries
to manage gingivitis (gum inflammation) & periodontitis (gum disease) so that you have a healthy foundation of bone and gum support for your teeth
to improve the misalignment and mishapened teeth, to restore decayed & broken down teeth and to improve the cosmetic apperance of your teeth and smile
"Healthy Gums... Healthy Teeth... Happy Teeth... Happy Life... Beautiful Teeth... Confident Smile"
Ask us how we can improve your smile and confidence today!
Why Choose Us?
QIP Accredited Practice "We Put You First"
COVID-Safe Strict Infection Control & Hand Hygiene
Customisable Dental Plan Suitable for All Dental Needs & Budgets
How to Find Us
Opening Hours
By AppointmentsMonday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PMSaturday - Sunday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Public Holidays
Walk-in Welcome
Dens in Dente acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live, work and serve. We celebrate the oldest living culture and its unbroken history of storytelling and communication. We pay respect to Elders - past, present and future.